-Happy Veterans Day to all those that served!!
-There is a Chili Cookoff on Saturday, Nov. 16. $5 to enter and chili, see a bar tender to get signed up. Chili need to be at the VFW by 4:00pm. If you would like to just taste and judge the chili, the cost is $5 at the door. Tasting/judging will begin at 5:00pm. A prize will be given to the best chili
-If you are interested in becoming an Auxiliary Member, here is what you need to do:
1. Obtain an application from the bar side of the club.
2. Obtain your family member's dd214 form (discharge papers) If you do not have the dd214, you can
obtain a copy from the Veterans Affairs office located in the Butler County Courthouse.
-The "Gobble Til You Wobble" Thanksgiving Basket is now in the bar!! Tickets are 3 for $5, see your bartender. Benefits Hearth, a safe place to live. The winner will be draw the Wed before Thanksgiving.
-The Auxiliary is collect pop/beer tabs. There is a collection box in the bar. Please bring tabs in ziplock bags. The collection of tabs supports the Ronald McDonald House.
-There is a Toy for Tots box located in the bar area. Please bring in new, unwrapped toys and place them in the collection box.